Intrinsicoutcomes wellbeing directory
Intrinsic Outcomes

Rona Spicer established her practice – Intrinsic Outcomes with a view that it is not enough to treat the symptoms. The WHOLE person and their individual and unique circumstances must be taken into consideration. The relationship between the body, mind and spirit is of the utmost importance, and Rona uses a combination of therapies to incorporate this philosophy. By combining a practical, common sense approach with new ideas and theories Rona believes the body; mind and spirit can be healed, renewed and enhanced. Rona is also delighted to be able to offer HypnoBirthing,a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing to mothers and their birthing companions and HypnoFertility to boost the success rate of ART or help with unexplained infertility so you have the very best chance of conception.

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